Province: Ontario

Listing ID: File No. 190715


Founded 50 years ago, the primary focus has been on wealthy customers requiring specifically
designed high-end furniture. Most orders are one offs and many of its customers are referred from
interior designers and decorators. This wealthy customer base is not directly influenced by economic
As a result, the Company enjoys a wide diverse customer base with high retention of customers,
encompassing businesses, individuals, and governments.
From a marketing, perspective the Owner has recently acquired a high-end boutique and is now
opening boutiques in major furniture stores across Canada.
The 20,000 square foot facility employs 20 and has modern equipment with capacity to grow.
The Company is expected to enjoy sales more than $2.8 million in next 12 months with an EBITDA
north of $500,000.
The ideal Purchaser brings both manufacturing-management skills along with sales and marketing
strengths. The Seller is retiring and would like an active, but minor role over the next 2 or 3 years .

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    Dana Rennie

    Dana Rennie