Price: $1,835,000
Location: Peace River District
Province: British Columbia
Listing ID: 007CA_2021
This business has successfully transitioned to a new owner. To be notified of new listings as they come available in BC, please email the listing broker at and request to be added to the buyer registry. Thank you.
Total Sales: $1,975,876
Cash Flow: $295,000
Accounts Receivable Included: Yes
FFE Included: Yes
Inventory Included: Yes
Year Established: 1994
Days & Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 8AM to 5PM
Owner Hours Per Week: 40
Employees: 8 FT Staff
Real Estate: $1,155,000
Real Estate Included: Yes
Type of Location: Industrial/Retail
Square Footage: 9230SF Shop
Facilities Information: Building Size Included in the Sale
9,230 SF (Approx.)
Land Size
1.23 Acres (Approx.)
Paint Booth(s),
All Equipment,
Courtesy Vehicle(s),
Working Capital* (To be calculated as Current Assets Less Current Liabilities).
Reason For Sale: Retirement.
Training & Support: Owner(s) willing to work with the buyer to ensure a smooth transition.
Historical Summary: SOLD This business has successfully transitioned to a new owner. To be notified of new listings as they come available in BC, please email the listing broker at and request to be added to the buyer registry. Thank you.